Daniel DeLeon's "Socialist Reconstruction of Society"

Workingmen and Workingwomen of Minneapolis:

Our chairman did not overstate the case when he said that the Industrialists’ convention, which closed its sessions day before yesterday in Chicago after two weeks of arduous labors, marks an epoch in the annals of the labor movement of America. I may add, although his words imply as much, that the Chicago convention marks also a turning point in the history of the land.

Revolutionary Unionism

The unity of labor, economic and political, upon the basis of the class struggle, is at this time the supreme need of the working class. The prevailing lack of unity implies lack of class consciousness; that is to say, enlightened self-interest; and this can, must and will be overcome by revolutionary education and organization. Experience, long, painful and dearly bought, has taught some of us that craft division is fatal to class unity. To accomplish its mission the working class must be united.

Revolutionary Unionism

The unity of labor, economic and political, upon the basis of the class struggle, is at this time the supreme need of the working class. The prevailing lack of unity implies lack of class consciousness; that is to say, enlightened self-interest; and this can, must and will be overcome by revolutionary education and organization. Experience, long, painful and dearly bought, has taught some of us that craft division is fatal to class unity. To accomplish its mission the working class must be united.

John Brown, revolutionary terrorist against black slavery in the USA

John Brown was a revolutionary terrorist. There was nothing alien or exotic about him; he was a genuine growth of the American soil. The roots of his family tree on both sides reached back among the first English settlers of Connecticut. The generations of Browns were pious Protestant pioneers, tough and upstanding, and singularly consistent in their ideas, characters, and ways of life. John Brown was the third fighter for freedom of that name in his family and was himself the parent of a fourth. His grandfather died in service as a captain in the Revolutionary war.

Karl Marx and Frederick Engels on the US Civil War

Engels called the American Civil War “the first grand war of contemporaneous history”. Marx later hailed it as “the greatest event of the age”. Today when the nineteenth century has receded into the distance and the bourgeois power that issued out of the Civil War bestrides the world, we can realize the colossal magnitude of the conflict far better than they. The Second American Revolution stands out as the decisive turning point of Nineteenth century history.

The lessons of “Poppygate”

Since last November, when Workers’ Liberty member and University of London Union Vice President Daniel Cooper declined to take part in an official, pro-war “remembrance” ceremony and published a statement explaining why, there has been a major right-wing campaign to oust him from office. After failing to get a referendum, the “remembrance” lobby had a final flurry this month, supporting Tory candidate Will Hall against Daniel’s bid for re-election.

Letter to the SWP student department on the ULU elections

A letter to the Socialist Workers’ Party student department: did you instruct your members not to support Daniel Cooper in the ULU elections?

15 March 2013

Dear comrades,

As you are almost certainly aware, the left just swept the elections for the executive of University of London Union. In the election for Vice President, the incumbent, Workers’ Liberty member Daniel Cooper, beat Will Hall, former president of UCL Conservative Society, by just over one percent of the vote.

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